Friday, June 22, 2007

I Do What I Want

It's not quite the weekend yet... since I'm still at work. I'm feeling really restless today for some reason. And usually on Fridays, I'm quite productive. That's because I freak out that I haven't done enough this past week. Somehow today, I'm just trying to get out of here. I think the panic will kick in at about 4pm. So, I have a couple of hours to kill before then. Haha. Not a good habit, I know. I'm working on it. The first step is acceptance, no?

I think my day was throw off because I ate a bagel (with a ton of veggie spread) this morning. And I've been incredibly full all day. Not a good thing. Especially since I ate a huge lunch too. Crap. The Google 15 is creeping up on me. It's ok. I've convinced myself that I'm going to start doing yoga with some guys from work. Yes, boys do yoga too. Care to join?

Anyways, I just talked Christy into playing DDR with me. Haha. Yes!!! It's something to pass the time. Too bad I'm wearing 4-inch heels today. Hopefully I won't break my neck... I'm going out tonight and this weekend, so that is NOT an option. And hey, fashion over function. That's the price girls pay for looking cute. Duh. I'm going to end this with another "I Do What I Want". Peace.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Solstice

Today is supposed to be the "longest day" of the year. Just great. Do we really need another LONG day? I mean, it's gonna be light out longer meaning that this day will seem NEVERending. And I'm just trying to get to Friday... as fast as possible. Aren't we all?

Anyways, I guess most of my days have been feeling longer than usual since I've been burying myself in my work for the past couple of weeks. This means that I wake up, check my work email, drive to work, work 8+ hours, go home, and do more work. Albeit, I find myself reading blogs, shopping, watching videos, etc. from time to time. But, I still feel as though work as taken over my life. I eat, drink, sleep WORK. I probably just need to see a shrink. Hmmm... or sit on the beanbag in Christy and Brian's office. That's the closest thing to a shrink I can get.

Well, I suppose the good thing is that today is the official first day of summer. Whatever. That doesn't change anything. We still have to work... EVERY day. It's just sunnier outside, but we're stuck indoors with no windows, so it might as well be raining outside cuz I won't notice. Ridiculous.

Let's end this entry on a positive note. This is the adorable purse I saw this past weekend and fell in love with. Awww...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Another Shoe-Day

Cute, but is it practical? I mean, forget the heel height for a minute... and notice that it's a LINEN shoe with a leather belt. Hmmm it's kinda like pants on your feet, no? Har har har. Seems a little odd now that I think about it.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Chill Out

Lately, I think everyone just needs to chill the f--- out. Seriously. By everyone, I really mean just me. Haha. I know that I haven't been updating this blog as much as I should. But, honestly, there really isn't anything exciting going on in my life. Well, nothing that is shareable. Sorry.

To get everyone up to speed, last week was not a fun week. Just a lot of stress at work and on top of that, my favorite necklace (yes, the cross that I constantly wear) was involved in a freak accident that left it swimming down my sink drain. I was upset for an entire day... until the plumber took my whole sink apart and found it. Hallelujah! I guess that's really all the news from last week. Thinking about it... that's pretty pathetic. To each his/her own.

This past weekend was, again, pretty boring. I didn't do anything too crazy... unless you count eating dim-sum twice to be craaazy. I mean... all that animal fat and oil, it probably is as crazy as it gets. Oh I guess watching Fantastic Four 2 was also crazy. Worst dialogue EVER. Don't tell me it's "supposed to be like that". It was laaame. Even Jessica Alba can't save it. I'm ready to see Transformers, yeah?

And really... that is all the updates I have. Two weeks summarized in less than two minutes. I live an exciting life.

This post is dedicated to Brian Johnson who tells me daily how I should just delete this blog if I'm never going to update. Well, Brian, I was about to delete when I decided just to suck it up and update. Happy? Never.

Friday, June 1, 2007

It's June?

June 1st marks the beginning of summer for me. I'm going to leave all the old baggage behind and start new. Woot!

Anyways, this week was supposed to feel short because of the lack of work on Monday for Memorial Day, but instead... it felt LONGER. I think it's also because I drank for about 7 days straight. I'm going to to die soon.

What is everyone doing this weekend?