Monday, June 18, 2007

Chill Out

Lately, I think everyone just needs to chill the f--- out. Seriously. By everyone, I really mean just me. Haha. I know that I haven't been updating this blog as much as I should. But, honestly, there really isn't anything exciting going on in my life. Well, nothing that is shareable. Sorry.

To get everyone up to speed, last week was not a fun week. Just a lot of stress at work and on top of that, my favorite necklace (yes, the cross that I constantly wear) was involved in a freak accident that left it swimming down my sink drain. I was upset for an entire day... until the plumber took my whole sink apart and found it. Hallelujah! I guess that's really all the news from last week. Thinking about it... that's pretty pathetic. To each his/her own.

This past weekend was, again, pretty boring. I didn't do anything too crazy... unless you count eating dim-sum twice to be craaazy. I mean... all that animal fat and oil, it probably is as crazy as it gets. Oh I guess watching Fantastic Four 2 was also crazy. Worst dialogue EVER. Don't tell me it's "supposed to be like that". It was laaame. Even Jessica Alba can't save it. I'm ready to see Transformers, yeah?

And really... that is all the updates I have. Two weeks summarized in less than two minutes. I live an exciting life.

This post is dedicated to Brian Johnson who tells me daily how I should just delete this blog if I'm never going to update. Well, Brian, I was about to delete when I decided just to suck it up and update. Happy? Never.

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